1998, in october findings

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Bernd Bernd
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1998, in october findings

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In oktober 1998, I wanted to buy a boat for the family, you can see what I found in the folowing pictures.
The choice was between a rotten down 470 yawl and this unknown boat type.
My children made the choice. The decisive factor was the figurehead and the bowsprit.finding

rear with ladder
rear with ladder

detail bowsprit, the varnish is gone, moss everywhere
detail bowsprit, the varnish is gone, moss everywhere

the rudder
the rudder

the steering wheel
the steering wheel

the floor, cracks to the cockpit
the floor, cracks to the cockpit

inside, bow with clinker-built hull
inside, bow with clinker-built hull (design)

the view to back
the view to back, you can see the space under the cockpit seat, in the back is the board to the backboard astern box

the companionway, the broken cabin door, the spirit stove in the drawer under the floor
the companionway, the broken cabin door, the spirit stove in the drawer under the floor

the spirit stove in the drawer
the spirit stove in the drawer