Blakeney, Tarka adrift.

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Blakeney, Tarka adrift.


On the Facebook "Blakeney harbour association" page, they have mentioned that the SeaHawk 'Tarka' had come adrift of her mooring. People have retrieved Tarka, but are trying to get hold of the owners, but no-one knows who they are.
If anyone knows who owns Tarka, could you let them know please.


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GregSeaHawk GregSeaHawk
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Re: Blakeney, Tarka adrift.

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This topic:
reminds me of an email exchange I had when I questioned the use of a very old photo from the site being used on eBay.

When I get to my main computer I'll see if I can discover more.
Greg Chapman
GregAfloat - My Boating Biography
GregSeaHawk GregSeaHawk
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Re: Blakeney, Tarka adrift.

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I can't find anything more helpful.

I had mail from two people who had taken an interest in the advert. One started this topic:

The other simply said:
It's a photo you took 11 years ago, that's deceptive isn't it?
Might at least offer something recent, no trailer old photo....bad.
and I didn't hear from them again. However, I have emailed them in case they did buy it.

So the only suggestion I have is to contact Sue Dack (Username: Hawkster), the mother of the person selling Tarka.

Greg Chapman
GregAfloat - My Boating Biography