Garage storage.

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Stationerystill Stationerystill
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Garage storage.

The Seahawk is probably the only small sailing cruiser which will fit in an ordinary garage. It came out ready to be launched with 1mm clearance in width by taking a door off and 5mm clearance from the top.ready to launch.
brian johnson brian johnson
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Re: Garage storage.

I'm really impressed that you have room for a Seahawk inside your garage!  Mine is filled with a VW bus, a trailer and masses of what my wife calls junk i.e. stuff that might come in useful, mostly to my neighbours and friends.  Luckily I have the use of a barn up the road where Mustang lives over winter.
Stationerystill Stationerystill
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Re: Garage storage.

It is a standard width but double length so all the usual junk is at the other end.