Hugh Antrobus

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Hugh Hugh
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Hugh Antrobus

Based in Cromer
No boat at present
Would like a Seahawk to sail from Morston

GregSeaHawk GregSeaHawk
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Re: Hugh Antrobus

Hi Hugh,

Welcome to the forum! I have upgraded you to "Member" so you should now be able to virtually anywhere and not just the "Introduce Yourself" area.

I know there have been one or two SeaHawks based at Morston over recent years but as you'll probably be aware from reading the For Sale page you will probably have to travel to find one and then trail it yourself to Morston.

Good luck with the search!

Are you new to sailing, or an experienced  sailor down-sizing - as quite a lot of those here are?
Greg Chapman
GregAfloat - My Boating Biography