Kismet's Berth on Julington Creek Along the St Johns River

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Kismet's Berth on Julington Creek Along the St Johns River

Tom Altee
Booked a home slip berth here at Julington Creek along the beautiful St Johns river.  Manatees, alligators, dolphins, egrets, herons and the occasional monkey.  And at night, U.S. Navy Seal dive teams entering and exiting the river from Blackhawks stationed just down river at Naval Air Station Jacksonville.

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Re: Kismet's Berth on Julington Creek Along the St Johns River

Hi Tom,

Certainly looks a nice part of the world. I'll get round to posting some pictures of my home waters - eventually - when summer arrives. We've had the coldest longest-lasting spring in half a century this year!

...and my house move is getting in the way of boating!
Greg Chapman
GregAfloat - My Boating Biography
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Re: Kismet's Berth on Julington Creek Along the St Johns River

Tom Altee
We had a very warm winter in North Florida and a long cold spring.  It was chilly this morning in (the upper 50's) when normally by now it's early summer weather.  Shorts and jacket weather.