Mat Gravener

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Mat Gravener

Mat Gravener
Hi Greg and co,
just to let you know I have bought a Seahawk, broads registered P113. On this site it states she was supplied as a kit way back in the early 1970s. She has, I believe, spent most of her life moored in the Pleasureboat dyke at Hickling, Norfolk.
She still has her original gelcoat, a good set of sails, four berths and a breakback trailer. Apart from a good tidy up and some bunk cushions she is ready to go. The plan is to use her on the broads and perhaps tow her down the east coast for a change.
If anyone out there knows where I could get some cushions and a standard jib I would be interested in hearing from them,
Mat Gravener
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Re: Mat Gravener

Welcome to the fold!

Not a cheap option, but I contacted jeckells sails and they can provide the full set of sails. Alternatively, someone told me the rig dimensions are similar to an enterprise dinghy, but I don't know if thats true.

Good luck.

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Re: Mat Gravener

In reply to this post by Mat Gravener
Mat - a more reasonable cost option would be to use Jon from Edge sails in Coventry, he is a one man band and is very reasonable in what he charges. Secondly, I have an Enterprise jib that will be going on ebay soon, I could measure it for you to compare if you wish.
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Re: Mat Gravener

Mat Gravener
Hi Perry and Ian,
thanks for the advice. I've searched through my selection of various sails and have found a couple of jibs that may be suitable. The genoa that came with the boat seems a little excessive on the foot, especially for short tacking on the broads.
I've also managed to cobble together various pieces of foam for the quarter berths and just need to get these covered and the real bonus was an unused portapotti buried amongst my stuff in my shed which is a perfect fit between the forward berths, both width and height.