Mike Pearl

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Mike Pearl

Mike Pearl
This post was updated on .
Hi I'm Mike, a keen Broads sailer I used to live in Gloucestershire but now I have relocated to Martham. I'm looking for a Seahawk, would prefer one in a ready to sail condition, but would be prepared to do some work.
Cheers Mike
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Re: Mike Pearl

Hi Mike,

Good to have you with us!

You don't say if you have contacted any of the owners advertising on the site's For Sale page. A couple are available locally. Please let me know if you have and they are no longer on the market. Also have you checked out the recommended sites found on the Buyer's Page.

Have you a particular reason for picking a SeaHawk as your boat of choice, or is it one of a number of designs you are interested in?
Greg Chapman
GregAfloat - My Boating Biography
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Re: Mike Pearl

Mike Pearl
Hi Greg
As far as I can see there are only two boats for sale locally. No name at Weyford Bridge appears to need more work doing than I want to undertake, although I may pop up and view her anyway. The other is Grayling who is described as a project boat. I really would like something that I can sail now. There does not appear to be any Seahawks on other sites at the moment.
I would like a Seahawk because I have seen plenty on the Broads and they seem to be ideally suited.
Cheers Mike  
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Re: Mike Pearl

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Keep your eyes open, they come up often enough on eBay. Alternatively, approach a few people and see if they want to sell. (Sorry, mine is a keeper!)

Good luck and hope you get one. They are lovely boats.


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Re: Mike Pearl

In reply to this post by Mike Pearl
Hi Mike,

Perry makes good suggestions. Also keep an eye on all the local brokers' sites. A search using the terms:

"norfolk broads" yacht brokers

seems to find most.

I do accept that neither of the local SeaHawks on the For Sale page, appear to be "top-notch" examples.

The bad news is that very few SeaHawks are sold in such a condition. As a relative cheap craft people don't seem to worry about them. They leave them rotting on their moorings for a season or two until they wake up to the fact that they are not using their boat and only then decide to sell. By then they have little enthusiasm to pretty them for sale or finish off that customisation they are half way through installing. Those that are in such condition sell very quickly and are easily missed.

Another reality is that boat owners have a passion for customising like no car owner I know. The trouble with that is that one man's brilliant addition, is another's "Why on earth did he fit that like that or even at all"?

Read the posts on this forum and you'll find almost every new owner has plans to remove fittings, refit things, or add bits, before they actually start sailing. Even if the boat you buy is, at first glance, in "ready to sail", the reality is that the same is likely to apply to you. And that means that you might as well consider a slightly untidy boat, and clean her up as part of "making her your own".
Greg Chapman
GregAfloat - My Boating Biography
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Re: Mike Pearl

Mike Pearl
Thanks Perry and Greg for your suggestions.
I am going to look at two this weekend so will keep you posted.
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Re: Mike Pearl

This post was updated on .
I also saw one on 'boats and outboards' website a couple of months ago. It was in north wales, but still, worth doing a web search.



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Re: Mike Pearl

Mike Pearl
Hi Perry
I did a search last night on all the usual websites and Norfolk brokers as per Greg's suggestion. One came up, it is currently on Ebay, on a three day listing with a buy it now price of £450. However I have been contacted about a couple for sale locally, which I am viewing this weekend, so will keep you posted.
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Re: Mike Pearl

This post was updated on .

Yep, just seen it. Blue sails are probably from an enterprise (similar size). Just don't be misled by the "racing yacht" statement in the advert :)

Good luck


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Re: Mike Pearl

Hi Mike,
Perry wrote
Yep, just seen it. Blue sails are probably from an enterprise (similar size).
I think what I see is a blue sail bag in the cabin. That could be the Jeckells original.
Just don't be misled by the "racing yacht" statement in the advert :)
Nor by the steel hull, nor the 1980 date! The hole in the inspection hatch over the keel bolt suggests she's a pre-#150 boat and that places her closer to 1970/71.

This is Sheldrake. Last on eBay in September and as you'll see from the link, a boat with a history. This time there's a very slightly different set of photos.
Greg Chapman
GregAfloat - My Boating Biography
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Re: Mike Pearl

Hi Perry,
GregSeaHawk wrote
I think what I see is a blue sail bag in the cabin. That could be the Jeckells original.
Oops! Just noticed that the text claims the sails are blue, so it seems, I'm wrong on that count.

The photos didn't include the sails last time. Must check the old advert. Perhaps they're a recent purchase. The older photos from the Gumtree advert show all the spars, including furling gear, but no sails. Perhaps that accounts for the extra £50 asking price this time?
Greg Chapman
GregAfloat - My Boating Biography
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Re: Mike Pearl

Mike Pearl
In reply to this post by Mike Pearl
Just wanted to let you all know that I have purchased Leda - sail number 314.
After a little bit of tlc she will be moored on the river at Martham.
Cheers Mike
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Re: Mike Pearl

Hi Mike,

I wasn't aware Leda was on the market. I couldn't have been looking hard enough!

You'll be aware that Barry had opened up a My Boat section for her. I'd be happy to grant you access to that section so you can continue with the tale, if you'd like that.

You'll see that there are some questions left dangling on that page, to which I'd love to have some answers.
Greg Chapman
GregAfloat - My Boating Biography
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Re: Mike Pearl

Mike Pearl
Hi Greg
Leda was not advertised for sale but Barry read my post about wanting a Seahawk and made contact with me. Overall Leda is in a sound condition, it appears she has always been a two birth boat with a galley moulding but has the four berth mast bracing. I believe this is quite rare. I will be launching her as soon as I have given her the once over, renewed the rubbing strip and given her a clean and polish. If you are back on the water you will see Leda around as she will be at Martham. When I am able I will take some pictures of the trailer and check the measurements against those on the forum. I would welcome access to the my boat page.
Thanks Mike