Mission accomplished.

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Greywing Greywing
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Mission accomplished.

Well! That was quick. I joined the forum on 10th March, and now I have a Seahawk.  Thanks to Dave Turtle, who gave me a great deal. Yes, I bought Puffin and towed her back to Norfolk with my trusty Citroen Van. On the question of braked or unbraked trailers, leaving legality aside, Puffin's unbraked trailer was a doddle to tow and is built like a tank, although the wheels probably need beefing up a bit. On the way back I planned out how I'm going to customize the interior, but more on that later. I now feel like a proper member of the forum with what I think is the best boat of it's type ever built. Shame they are no more.
ianhurley20 ianhurley20
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Re: Mission accomplished.

Well done and congratulations. It will be worth getting boat and trailer weighed  - when I did mine I found it came to 970kg - oops. I changed the suspension units (already braked but rated at only 750kg) and tyres which together would only go to 750kg. My trailer was purpose built for my boat by a reputable company and had been towed around since 1974! Glad I was never stopped :-)
Greywing Greywing
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Re: Mission accomplished.

Thanks Ianhurley20, I suppose the only saving grace is that Indispension units (if one has the genuine articles) have a test loading of something approaching twice their rated load limit. I learnt this when my Norfolk Cobble was epoxy sheathed (about 5mm thick!) Apparently increasing its weight from about 1.25 tons to 2 tons and going over my suspension limit. When I consulted the Indispension catalogue I was relieved to see that I might just get away with it! Not recommended though. I eventually double axled.