After having bought Puffin, I had a better chance to fully examine the sails. Dave had already told me about the dreadful event that took place in his garage when (what he thought was) a gang of rats trashed the main. I have never repaired a sail with damage as severe as this before, but as the average price of a decent second-hand one was about £200-300, I decided to have a go. Jimmy Greene Marine had some reasonably large sticky-back patches so I bought enough to do a "both sides" repair, and set about the job. Not an easy one, so I watched all the sail repair video's on You tube.

While I was at it, I also fixed the other 9 small holes/tears which existed. Having spent the whole afternoon doing the sticking, I don't have the energy to do the complicated zig-zag stitching until tomorrow.
I am going to have a big whisky now.

So if you see a Seahawk on the broads with some monstrous patches up near the sail number, you'll know its me and that the fix was a success!