Original colours

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Original colours

Hi all,

So I've finally got started with work on piccolo (will track it soon in the my boat section) and whilst giving it a thorough scrub, some of the top layer of paint came off....it had been repainted several times.

What surprised me was that under the white paint, what I thought was faded gelcoat looks far to consistent for that...and looks more like a cream colour (perhaps very light beige).

So I was wondering. Does anyone have a boat that is still original gelcoat, or who stripped theirs and found it was, indeed, a cream colour?

I'm now faced with a dilemma. If the original colour was cream, I am thinking about restoring it to that....but, I love the current red and white motif.

Any thoughts?
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Re: Original colours

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Hi Perry,
Perry wrote
What surprised me was that under the white paint, what I thought was faded gelcoat looks far to consistent for that...and looks more like a cream colour (perhaps very light beige).
That is a standard colour - or it certainly was on Moore's boats, I can't confirm it was for Reedcraft boats. It was certainly was quite popular in Moore's day. Indeed, The 1984 Order Form suggests that "off white" was the only available colour for the upper moulding and there are a number of boats from around that period that would seem to confirm it, though it's difficult to tell from the photographs of Penny or Sapphire but they are what I would describe as "cream" rather than white.
I'm now faced with a dilemma. If the original colour was cream, I am thinking about restoring it to that....but, I love the current red and white motif.
"Just 17" came to me with masses of "Sandtex" blue paint over the top sides - the previous owner had young daughters and he was, perhaps, excessively safety conscious. While preparing my boat for its re-paint I discovered that my deck moulding was the same sky blue colour as Reed Nibbler. In the end I decided I couldn't live with that colour scheme and did my re-paint all white.

You just have to be prepared to live with the fact that wear will always mean that you may see the the gel coat colour through any abrasions and scratches that appear on your boat with ordinary wear.
Greg Chapman
GregAfloat - My Boating Biography