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Jack B
I thought I would post a few pictures of my Pedro on a cruise last year around the Stour, Orwell and Walton backwaters, on the suffolk and Essex coast. It's been heavily customised with a new interior as well as a new rig. Furthermore the old windows, that were cracked and falling apart were replaced with plywood and portholes. I also built a small afterdeck, to add more security in the cockpit. It doesn't sail particularly well upwind, but downwind I have reached 6 knots, however performance has been improved by extending the bilge keels, with the added benefit of being able to dry out upright.

The rig has been adapted since this photo was taken with the spreaders now lower and the lower shrouds also lowered.

You can see the cabin in the above picture, with the removable cabin table, further forward you can make out the enclosed anchor locker.