Polishing windows...

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Polishing windows...


My SeaHawk, like most boats that I have viewed of this age, had almost opaque windows due to scratching of the perspex. I see it is quite a common fix to remove and replace these windows but it is not a small undertaking. I thought it might be worth trying to polish up the perspex, so I went onto ebay and bought "Novus plastic scratch remover". This comprises of 3 bottles - a "heavy" scratch polish, a fine scratch polish and a "clean and shine" spray. It cost me about £22, but you can buy smaller bottles for about half this (I barely used any). I only went with this because the price was reasonable and the heavy/fine made sense to me.

When it arrived, I had a quick read of the instructions and then set to on a small patch of window and was pleasantly surprised by how good the results were. So I carried on and did all three windows in about 20 minutes. The instructions recommend using a polisher, but I just used a cotton rag to apply the polish and rub it for a couple of minutes. The "heavy" left the window almost completely clear and, I think, the "fine" improved on this. The spray didn't really do anything, and the spray button had already broken off.

So for £22 and very little effort, my side windows are very clear (they won't pass for new, but certainly they don't need replacing). The front window is also clear but, being more curved, has vertical "fractures" in the perspex which will never polish out.


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Re: Polishing windows...


Did you buy the middle size bottle then (237ml?)? I was thinking of getting exactly the same when I saw your post, but wasn't sure whether the small bottles would be enough. Sounds like they will. Can you confirm?

Thanks a lot

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Re: Polishing windows...

Hi Perry,

Yes - I'd go for the smaller bottles - I doubt I used even a teaspoonful of each polish on each window.

Mind you, it does mean that I've got polish for years to come!!

