SOLD - Amigo (Pedro): Tollesbury, Essex

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SOLD - Amigo (Pedro): Tollesbury, Essex

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Pedro 17ft just appeared on "Apollo Duck" website ( Trailer Sailers) for sale in Essex. Name of boat "Amigo". if anyone is interested.
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Re: Amigo

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In fact A Search of Apolloduck reveals four Pedros available on the site at the moment. The one you mention is the most expensive at £2750.

I guess the Dales are retiring from boating. A lovely couple! I met them a couple of times around Potter Heigham and Hickling. They once sent me a photograph of Imagination at Potter, as I passed by their overnight mooring.

Imagination passing Amigo

They also sent me a couple of video clips that I put together, captioned and uploaded to YouTube, intending it to be added to the updated "Trailers" page (When Austin Holden sent me the promised photographs that never materialised! Where are you "Oz"?).

The trailer is probably the best I have seen on any SeaHawk/Pedro. I could almost be tempted to make an offer for the boat for the sake of the trailer alone! My only worry is that it might put the weight of the combination above the legal towing weight for my Renault Scenic.

Greg Chapman
GregAfloat - My Boating Biography
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Re: Amigo (Pedro): Tollesbury, Essex

In reply to this post by Edmondsley
I went to the marina last week but couldn't find her.I can remember seeing amigo a couple of years back,for sale then as well.I'll have another look next weekend and post if I find her.
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Re: Amigo (Pedro): Tollesbury, Essex

Hi John,

I saw your post and contacted John and Audrey, the owners of Amigo. Although on the books of Tollesbury Marina they tell me they have always had the boat under cover in a barn at home. I have a phone number and location details, should you wish to inspect the boat with a mind to purchase.

They have given me separate prices for the boat, outboard and trailer.

(It would be great if you wanted the boat alone, as they say the boat must be sold first. I would then be able to consider making an offer on the trailer!  )
Greg Chapman
GregAfloat - My Boating Biography