SOLD - Daydream #53: Docking, NW Norfolk

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Re: Daydream #53: Docking, NW Norfolk

Hi, I’m Perry. I also own a Seahawk which was based on Rutland water.

Just as a guidance the thing hat usually goes on the trailers are the hubs, and they can be renovated by a good trailer company. I had someone come down to Rutland and do a complete hub rebuild. He charged me the couple of hours travel as well, and it was still overall a reasonable cost.

If that turns out to be the problem with daydreams trailer, ping me and I can give you more details


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RE: Daydream #53: Docking, NW Norfolk

In reply to this post by Moontrev


Thank you for your reply.

I think it would be much more sensible if we were to communicate by phone, so that I can do my best to answer your queries. I will try to get some information about the, from the guy who runs the North Norfolk Boatyard and who first pointed out the problem. There is also an engineer in the village who might do the work.

Perhaps you could ring me on 01485 518269 around midday,  then if you would still like to come we can fix a time.

Best wishes



From: Moontrev [via SeaHawk Forum] <[hidden email]>
Sent: 23 August 2019 20:40
To: fromnorfolk4u <[hidden email]>
Subject: RE: Daydream #53: Docking, NW Norfolk


Hi Roger,
Sorry for not replying sooner, I find this site a little difficult to navigate!
I'd love to come over and view her, how bad is the trailer? Have you had any costs to renew the axle?
Do you have to take her out of the water each winter? Or can she be left moored to the quay?
I'm only in Dereham, so not a million miles away!
To be honest, I'm considering either a boat such as yours, or a Wayfarer in the dinghy park.
We are only free in the afternoons, as our now old dog has got used to be walked in the mornings, and he will probably howl if we leave him alone in the mornings!
I've owned a Seahawk before, and know what to look for, so could you please comment on the lifting keel etc?
I look forward to hearing from you.

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RE: Daydream #53: Docking, NW Norfolk


Also, just to say that I have no objection to letting you have my email which is [hidden email], you may find it easier.



From: fromnorfolk4u [via SeaHawk Forum] <[hidden email]>
Sent: 23 August 2019 22:32
To: fromnorfolk4u <[hidden email]>
Subject: RE: Daydream #53: Docking, NW Norfolk



Thank you for your reply.

I think it would be much more sensible if we were to communicate by phone, so that I can do my best to answer your queries. I will try to get some information about the, from the guy who runs the North Norfolk Boatyard and who first pointed out the problem. There is also an engineer in the village who might do the work.

Perhaps you could ring me on 01485 518269 around midday,  then if you would still like to come we can fix a time.

Best wishes



From: Moontrev [via SeaHawk Forum] <[hidden email]>
Sent: 23 August 2019 20:40
To: fromnorfolk4u <[hidden email]>
Subject: RE: Daydream #53: Docking, NW Norfolk


Hi Roger,
Sorry for not replying sooner, I find this site a little difficult to navigate!
I'd love to come over and view her, how bad is the trailer? Have you had any costs to renew the axle?
Do you have to take her out of the water each winter? Or can she be left moored to the quay?
I'm only in Dereham, so not a million miles away!
To be honest, I'm considering either a boat such as yours, or a Wayfarer in the dinghy park.
We are only free in the afternoons, as our now old dog has got used to be walked in the mornings, and he will probably howl if we leave him alone in the mornings!
I've owned a Seahawk before, and know what to look for, so could you please comment on the lifting keel etc?
I look forward to hearing from you.

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Re: Daydream #53: Docking, NW Norfolk

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Hi Perry,
Firstly thanks for that, I used to sail a mats Seahawk at Rutland (the poor side)
Which was called piccolo!
If I buy this boat I wouldn't want to tow it, but to put the boat on its trailer over winter at Stratton Long Marine in Blakeney.
Once again, thanks for your input, greatly appreciated..
Just remembered that the poor side of Rutland was Whitwell!
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Re: Daydream #53: Docking, NW Norfolk

You’ll never guess the name of my Seahawk.... piccolo!!!!

Was it yours? I bought it from a guy called David Stevens. Did you sell it to him?



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Re: Daydream #53: Docking, NW Norfolk

Wow, you must have bought it from my mate Dave, who crossed to the dark side of windsurfing!
What a small world this is!
Enjoy piccolo she is a lovely little boat! Handles really well, even in a blow!
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Re: Daydream #53: Docking, NW Norfolk

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No, all I know is that Dave got really lucky and picked the whole unit for about £900, and the boat, trailer and sails were all in really good nick!
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Re: Daydream #53: Docking, NW Norfolk
And sold it for pretty much the same. Dave has told me that the trailer needed work, hence my comments about axles...not unusual.

It cost me about £400 to get someone to come down to Rutland and do all the work needed, but well worth it.

Piccolo is now on Grafham water and I am just getting a cover made for her so that she can be towed and stored in good condition.

Good luck getting one. They are lovely boats.

