SOLD - Hello! Seahawk Mainsail on Offer

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SOLD - Hello! Seahawk Mainsail on Offer

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Hello everyone, my parents used to sail Seahawk # 234 at Hickling and I have found a Jeckells dacron sail for it.  Little used.  Free  to anyone who wants to collect, happy to post it if purchaser arranges postage.  Based in Brighton.20210613_174022.jpg
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Hello! Seahawk Mainsail on Offer

Hello everyone, my parents used to sail Seahawk # 234 at Hickling and I have found a Jeckells dacron sail for it.  Little used.  Free  to anyone who wants to collect, happy to post it if purchaser arranges postage.  Based in Brighton.20210613_174022.jpg
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Re: Hello! Seahawk Mainsail on Offer
In reply to this post by Nmeyne
Yes please!!!! How much do you want for it? I can definitely arrange the postage as well.

Do you want to contact me via a private message and we can sort it out?

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Re: Hello! Seahawk Mainsail on Offer
In reply to this post by Nmeyne
Hey. I replied to your other post too....yes please! how much do you want for it?

I can sort out postage etc. Can you PM me and we can sort out details.


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Re: Hello! Seahawk Mainsail on Offer

In reply to this post by Nmeyne
Hi Nick,

I'd love to hear more about your parent's boat.

I have no photos of a boat with the #234 sail number, but I do have several photos of SeaHawks with unknown sail numbers that were based at Hickling. Perhaps I can find a match!

My father's SeaHawk was #232 and mine was #267
Greg Chapman
GregAfloat - My Boating Biography
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Re: Hello! Seahawk Mainsail on Offer

In reply to this post by Nmeyne

If its still available I could arrange for a friend to pick it up. My main is starting to rip in places so i could do with a replacement. If it is still available could you give me a call and i could get it picked up asap



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Re: Hello! Seahawk Mainsail on Offer

Sorry all, the sail is now taken and has gone to a good home.  Thanks for your interest!
