SOLD - Little Auk: Aberdeenshire

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SOLD - Little Auk: Aberdeenshire

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There is a new boat listed on the For Sale page. Mike Lowson, (of North Boats) a professional boat restorer in the highlands of Scotland is selling his SeaHawk.

(I think I've told him before that he needs to reduce the size of the image files on his site, so they load quicker - but it does mean that if you link to the images directly, you get some good high definition shots of the boat (and Mike!). It's also a shame that Mike hasn't posted to his blog recently too!)

Looks like my dream of visiting Mike and seeing two SeaHawks sail side by side will come to nothing!
Greg Chapman
GregAfloat - My Boating Biography
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SOLD: Little Auk: Aberdeenshire

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I've had a report from Mike that Little Auk is sold. Of the buyer he says:
You might be interested to know that he lives in Riga, Latvia, and the boat will be on her way there by road as soon as the dreadful weather improves. I wonder if this is the first SeaHawk to grace the Baltic coast?
I had heard from another SeaHawk owner that he had had enquiries from a potential buyer from Latvia when selling his boat, so it's not a complete surprise. I really hope he contacts me as Mike also says:
I am sure that judging by the pictures of the lakes and rivers in her new Latvian cruising grounds she will be very happy in her new home.
It would be good to get some pictures on the site.

As for Mike's question about SeaHawks on the Baltic coast, the nearest I know of is Idun.
Greg Chapman
GregAfloat - My Boating Biography