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![]() ![]() ![]() We have decided to sell our boat, Sophia, after 5 years of sailing on the Milford Haven Estuary. The boat is sail number 215. Additionally, she has a custom-made trailer which was refurbished with new bearings in 2009 and has carried Sophia from her home just across the old Severn bridge on the M4 to West Wales annually. You can see pictures of her sitting on the trailer in our garden! We have not had time to put her in the water this year, hence our decision to sell. Like all SeaHawk owners we know that this is a very safe and stable boat and hope that someone else can have as much pleasure as we have had. The boat and trailer is for sale at £1,000. The 1996 Mercury 4HP, 2 stroke engine, shown in the photographs, starts every time having been maintained annually, and is also available for sale if required. Steve. 07768 733388 [Webmaster Edit]: You can also contact Steve by clicking his username above and you'll reach a screen where you can email him. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Dear Steve,
Have you had the plate/bolt/lifting gear refurbished recently? Do you find the fore-hatch accessible, this is very important to me. Unfortunately I'm in Essex so your a long way for a quick viewing. Thanks and kindest regards David |
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We have not had the bolt/plate lifting gear refurbished. The boat has been out of the water for about 2 years and on its trailer. I assume you mean the trailer lifting gear. It has not been refurbished in recent years, but it has never been an issue and was lubricated and greased as appropriate. If you mean the centre plate on the boat then this has not been refurbished, it has also never been an issue, but as the boat is on its trailer I cannot test it. The fore-hatch was really only used when we dropped anchor or were storing the sails when coming onto a mooring. I never found it particularly difficult to access from above. If you need me to take any specific photographs and email them to you then I can do that. Steve |
Dear Steve,
Many thanks for your reply. I did mean the plate lifting gear rather than the trailer, I should have been more explicit. Access to the fore-hatch would need to be from inside the boat as I don't want to go over the cabin top. A photo of someone standing in it would be helpful. Another member has suggested I go up to Norfolk where there are a number of similar boats, I need to do that soon. Kindest Regards David |
I can't manage a photo. Would a painting do? ![]() My friend Elizabeth did the painting from her photo of me hoisting the jib while on a mudweight on Hickling Broad. It's as realistic as a painting can be in terms of my 6ft frame standing on the platform I built under the hatch of the boat now called Just 17.
Greg Chapman
GregAfloat - My Boating Biography |
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How would this do as a helpful photo?
I can promise I am not that short...I'm about 5'10". I was on my knees, and as you can see, not the smallest of guys, and I could fit through the hatch. ![]() I live in north west London, if that's of any use to you. Boat is on my driveway under a cover. Good sailing. Perry Sent from my iPad |
Hi David,
Similarly, I live near Stalham, Norfolk, if that's of any use to you. Just 17 is on my driveway under a lot of mildew. House project and wedding on September 12 seems to be taking up all my time at the moment! (Be aware that, by clicking on their avatar/username, you can reach a screen where email that user on this forum.)
Greg Chapman
GregAfloat - My Boating Biography |
In reply to this post by
Dear Steve, Perry and Greg,
Thanks for your responses, helpful. At least it's possible for you two, I'm slightly shorter at 5' 8" which in theory should make it easier. Next stop, try it. Kindest Regards David |
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In reply to this post by laidback
I think the artist’s picture that you were sent is a pretty accurate impression of the hatch opening and access. It is hinged from the back and can be pushed open from inside. You would need to make sure that the external lock is detached before leaving port if you want to open from inside without going on deck. It is quite feasible to put up and take down the jib from the hatch opening. The seahawk is a very stable and forgiving boat and going on deck never felt dangerous. The centre board lift has not been serviced, it is a pretty simple mechanism and we cleaned the aluminium alloy plate, pin and runner as necessary. It is not possible to demonstrate it working when on a trailer on dry land but I do not see anything that can go wrong with it, it has never been a concern for us. I think that it would make sense for you to check out the suitability of this type of boat for you with a trip to Norfolk. We sailed the boat out at sea in West Wales, always within site of land, I think over on the broads Seahawks are used for a much more sedate type of sailing. Feel free to keep in touch Steve |
For the sake of not cluttering this For Sale page with off-topic stuff. I've made a post about Accessing the Fore hatch in the Help Desk Area.
Greg Chapman
GregAfloat - My Boating Biography |
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