SOLD - Willow: Beccles

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SOLD - Willow: Beccles

Danny Johnson
This post was updated on .
Hi all, a few days ago my daughter helped me put WILLOW up for sale on ebay.
I have been very happy sailing and racing her,but now have a chance of a bigger
boat.If anybody has been looking for Willow on ebay she is listed under sailing cruiser
with a guide price of £2250 or make an offer.The price for willow has been reduced
to £1250,i think my daughter was a bit to ambitious and we are still open to offers.
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Re: I have willow for sale.

Hi Danny,

I have been unable to trace your boat on eBay. Please provide a URL, eBay number and further details of your boat, its location, starting price, etc.
Greg Chapman
GregAfloat - My Boating Biography
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Re: I have willow for sale.

Hi Danny,

Further to my earlier post, I now realise that in my confused state following my house move, I failed to upgrade you to member status as I should have done when you joined the forum.

Having re-read your introductory message, I'm guessing that Willow is lying in Beccles, or somewhere nearby, and have moved your post to the "For Sale Section" and changed the subject line of your message accordingly. Please do post all the details of your boat you can.

Be aware that you can send an email Danny by clicking on his username on the original post in this topic.
Greg Chapman
GregAfloat - My Boating Biography