Suggestions for an ideal first launch?

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Suggestions for an ideal first launch?

Andy Lee
Hi to Everybody,
I bought my SeaHawk last December and have been working on a few bits of maintenance since then.
I am just starting to plan my first trip once circumstances and legislation allows.
I have launched my Topper and Gull several times but they are both very light.
A SeaHawk is going to be a whole new experience for me.
Does anybody have anywhere in mind within 100 miles of London where it would be relatively easy to launch?
Many thanks,
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Re: Suggestions for an ideal first launch?

Are you in London?

My Seahawk is on Grafham water now, as I am a member there. However, they have a scheme to allow day sailing too.

Also, there are a few slipways onto the thames and the river lea, depending on which side of London you are. I wouldnt go on the tidal thames unless you have an outboard, but other bits are possible.

Let me know where you are based and I can give you some pointers

And yes….they are a whole load heavier than a topper or gull. Easiest way to launch them is to drive them down to almost the water, chock the wheels, then take off the car tow hook, and put a long rope on instead….that way you dont have to find the edge of the slipway with your car and then call the AA!!

Welcome to the forum

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Re: Suggestions for an ideal first launch?

Andy Lee
Hi Perry,
Thanks for getting in touch.
I am actually based in Tenterden, Kent.
Your advice on launching is really useful, thanks.
So, following your procedure, that means a winch concreted into the top of the slipway isn't necessary?
I will check out day sailing at Grafham.
Any further pointers would be welcome.

From: Perry [via SeaHawk Forum] <ml+[hidden email]>
Sent: 04 June 2020 12:30
To: Andy Lee <[hidden email]>
Subject: Re: Suggestions for an ideal first launch?

Are you in London?

My Seahawk is on Grafham water now, as I am a member there. However, they have a scheme to allow day sailing too.

Also, there are a few slipways onto the thames and the river lea, depending on which side of London you are. I wouldnt go on the tidal thames unless you have an outboard, but other bits are possible.

Let me know where you are based and I can give you some pointers

And yes….they are a whole load heavier than a topper or gull. Easiest way to launch them is to drive them down to almost the water, chock the wheels, then take off the car tow hook, and put a long rope on instead….that way you dont have to find the edge of the slipway with your car and then call the AA!!

Welcome to the forum


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Re: Suggestions for an ideal first launch?
Hey Andy. I’m in London, in a road called Tenterden!! Fancy that.

There is an app on iPhones that also has a list of slipways so have a look for that. It’s called boat launch I think.

As for launching, yeah you don’t need a winch at the top of the slipway. You don’t even need to do what I suggested if you have a decent enough car that won’t suffer from a small dip. It’s just an idea.

Also if you are in Kent look at the Medway. It has lower tides than the Thames and some good sailing areas. And look around for big reservoirs. They usually allow something the size of a Seahawk on them. Just make sure you describe it as a 17 ft boat with a cuddy, rather than a 2 berth yacht :)

All the best

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Re: Suggestions for an ideal first launch?

Hi Andy,

And if you got the idea that a winch was essential from this page:
then ignore that page too!

Obviously, a SeaHawk is a lot heavier than a dinghy. All that means is that you need to take more care as it will take more than a couple of guys to lift the boat back to where you want it should things go wrong.

In principle things are pretty straight forward. All you need is enough depth of water on the slipway to enable your boat to float while it is on your trailer. Everything else depends on the particular slipway and there are many factors that can affect that.

I've never launched into tidal waters, so I've never had to be worried about whether they'll be the same depth of water on my return.

However, I have had to worry about a short steep slipway set at an angle to the dyke into which I was launching. The concrete stopped short of a dramatic drop to the bed of the river. Was one wheel of the trailer going to fall off the end before the other?

And I have had to worry about a front wheel drive car that I was concerned would slip on gravel before it rather than pull the boat and trailer up to level ground. That's why having a winch available, rather than rely on a car to pull the boat and trailer up to level ground, appealed.

In short, just think ahead and consider what could go horribly wrong and avoid doing anything that would allow the horribly wrong thing to happen.

Simple really!

It's just a matter of building confidence and that only comes with experience. So having people with experience around is always helpful when you're a newbie.

(And note the new forum system, that came about earlier this evening, that will prevent emailed replies from working. Check out what the email footer says!)
Greg Chapman
GregAfloat - My Boating Biography
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Re: Suggestions for an ideal first launch?

Andy Lee
In reply to this post by Andy Lee
Thanks, Greg and Perry, for your advice and encouragement.