The first nor' easter (north easter) of the season has swept through. It's a little early but we'll take it. As the fronts push through and off the coast of the eastern seaboard of the United States the wind swings around and comes out of the north east. Besides dropping the temperatures a good 10-15*Fahrenheit the wind pushes in at a steady 20 knots with gusts up to 30 knots. That of course translates into excellent sailing conditions on a very large river running north and south. Here is the English Rose south of Orange Park, Florida.
Here I am at the helm on a south east reach. The windows aren't wet but we're heeled over.

Wing on wing downwind at 8 or 9 knots. I have a 150 Genoa on order....

Typical shoreline along the St Johns river.

Semi-abandoned boats moored in many of the bays.

Nice places to park to your boat...

Having a cold one at the dock after a great sail in my "No Che" tee shirt.

P.s. How do I turn sideways pictures upright when imbedding them?