Hi Tom,
Glad you stuck with it and got through the initiation ceremony!
Surfed wrote
Hello - My name is Tom Altee (All-tea). I live in North Florida in the city of Jacksonville. I have just purchased a 1973 SeaHawk. I thought I had the only one in the USA but Greg has already disabused of that idea telling me he knows of three. I'm guessing I bought one of those three.
I've been trawling through the old YahooGroup that we used to have associated with the site. It seems there is at least a fourth SeaHawk in the USA. I found postings from a guy from Arkansas in 2010 who had just bought boat #131 (Sail number).
Anyway, I have lots of queries, will probably need lots of advice (swing keel). One of my intentions is to drag her north to New York harbor and sail her around the Statue of Liberty. Since she's an English boat I'll probably fly the Union Jack when I do.
I wouldn't do that if I were you! It's illegal, unless you are a British warship! Check out:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Union_Jack#EnsignsAs you wouldn't be a sailing British registered vessel, even the more appropriate Red Ensign, would be wrong.
I keep trying to post pics but as a child of the mid twentieth century can't quite seem to get the hang of it on this forum. I'll try again later.
Youngster! I was born in the forties! 1940s, not Roaring forties!

Have you read the
Inserting Images in the Forum FAQ?
Glad to be aboard. I'll post more about my "Kismet" as I go through her and get to know her better.
Looking forward to all the news!
Glad to have you aboard. We need some more input from the US!