Andrew Mather

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Andrew Mather

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Andy Posted the following introduction but didn't post it with his real name as the subject. As he already has a Trailer Wanted post in the "Help Desk" area I thought it better to repost his introduction with the appropriate subject line:
andy.mather wrote
hello Andy here i am the new owner of scorpio currently moored at hickling. I need to move the boat up here to the northwest nearer to manchester as i intend to do a little coastal sailing in colwny bay as its a only 1hour 30mins from my home. Anyone with a trailer for sale or any sugusgenions from other members in how i can get it back please get in touch. its a lovely boat thats given me a lot of pleasure be a shame to sell it. Kind Regards Andrew Mather
Greg Chapman
GregAfloat - My Boating Biography