Awning Wanted

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Awning Wanted

Mike Pearl
Morning all
I have decided I need an awning for Leda, ready for a weeks holiday. Has anyone got one for sale, or recommend an upholsterer, or give me some tips etc.
I am based at Martham.
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Re: Awning Wanted

Hi Mike,
Dave Turtle had one for sale (see the For Sale section of the forum) but it was expensive! As he has now sold me his boat and withdrawn the tent from sale, I don't know whether he's still interested in selling. He may be keeping it for his newly acquired Corribee.
Why not make a boom tent? 2 lengths of 56" wide canvas fabric stitched down the longitudinal edge and either slung over the boom or suspended beneath it, then laced to the safety rails, with a short "skirt" strip each side to cover the gap between the rail and the cockpit coming. Two suitably shaped triangles of clear plastic (sold in Range) sewn in each end to complete the waterproof shell and provide some light.
Assuming it is only up when moored. Just a cheap alternative!?! I intend to make one for ""Puffin" eventually, when I've done everything else.
Happy sewing!
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Re: Awning Wanted

Hi Mike,

Greywing is absolutely right, I did withdraw the awning because I though it would fit my new boat. Unfortunately it was not to be. So if you are interested send me an email. I can definitely do something on the price. 



On 7 June 2017 at 16:57, Greywing [via SeaHawk Forum] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi Mike,
Dave Turtle had one for sale (see the For Sale section of the forum) but it was expensive! As he has now sold me his boat and withdrawn the tent from sale, I don't know whether he's still interested in selling. He may be keeping it for his newly acquired Corribee.
Why not make a boom tent? 2 lengths of 56" wide canvas fabric stitched down the longitudinal edge and either slung over the boom or suspended beneath it, then laced to the safety rails, with a short "skirt" strip each side to cover the gap between the rail and the cockpit coming. Two suitably shaped triangles of clear plastic (sold in Range) sewn in each end to complete the waterproof shell and provide some light.
Assuming it is only up when moored. Just a cheap alternative!?! I intend to make one for ""Puffin" eventually, when I've done everything else.
Happy sewing!

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Re: Awning Wanted

Mike Pearl
In reply to this post by Greywing
Hi Greywing
Thanks for your response this is exactly what I originally intended to do but the missus wanted more glitz and glamour. However as her emails to a local upholster has failed to yield a response I am off to measure up the boat this week end. Thanks for the tip about the Range having clear plastic.
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Re: Awning Wanted

Mike Pearl
In reply to this post by sea_turtle
Hi Dave
Thanks for the offer. However your awning appears to be designed to work with the mast down, I am looking for something to use during a weeks cruising when the mast will be up.
Thanks anyway.
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Re: Awning Wanted
In reply to this post by sea_turtle

Given mike isn’t interested, I might be….I vaguely remember the item….can we maybe get in touch and talk about it?


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Re: Awning Wanted

Marsh Marigold
In reply to this post by Mike Pearl

Hi Mike
Here's a photo of our awning, in case it's any help.   It clips on with hooks on elastic and has zips at the stern and in front of the mast.  You're welcome to measure it sometime.  We're on the Thurne.  But I wouldn't call it glamorous!


Sent from my iPad

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Re: Awning Wanted

Hi Mike,

I  have a boom tent, rather than an awning that, given that I haven't used Just 17 in the last five years and a decision to sell is likely, plus because a boom tent of the kind I have is only likely to be of much use to a Broads sailor so won't necessarily add value to the boat itself, I am prepared to sell it.

It was custom made for me in 2012 by Jeckells (the upholsterers, not the sail maker) at enormous expense. Half the SeaHawks that are sold go for less than the folks who paid for it paid! Luckily I wasn't paying as it was a barter deal for some web design work I did and has only been used once, the week end when the photos below were taken.

You'll see why some people nicknamed it the Eiffel Tower as it was designed to give my six foot frame full standing headroom. The near vertical sides also means it makes dressing in the morning far more comfortable, with space to sit while pulling on socks and shoes and the height to stand to pull up trousers and tuck in shirts. Both sides have perspex windows with roll down blinds, so privacy is maintained regardless of where one is moored.

Both side panels will also roll up, providing a great way of keeping out of the wind regardless of whether one is swinging on a mud weight or moored to a quiet stretch on bank. There's a central zip to the aft panel too, so there's a number of ways you can let the air it to dry it off before packing it away, should it have rained.

You'll also see that it was designed to fit over the boom with the main rolled around it, which I have always found is a convenient way to operate for overnighting on the Broads.

Just 17 Boom Tent

Just 17 Boom Tent

Just 17 Boom Tent

It was made in the hope that it would make week ending aboard more acceptable to Diana, but even with the extra space this allowed to get dressed or place the loo we have just not had the time to use the boat.

You're welcome to come and inspect it here at East Ruston (three miles out of Stalham) before deciding what to offer for it. Unfortunately, it would be difficult to see it erected as Just 17's mast is currently lying beside the boat.

I'll have to dig around in the cabin of Just 17 where it has been stored for those five years so give me a day or two's warning of the inspection. I hope it is in the "as new" condition that it was when the boat was last used. The boat itself is not looking pretty these days, after standing for five years, unused, beside the house.
Greg Chapman
GregAfloat - My Boating Biography
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Re: Awning Wanted

Mike Pearl
In reply to this post by Marsh Marigold
Hi Victoria
Thanks for your reply. Your awning looks just the sort of thing I was intending to make. However, Greg may have one for sale so maybe I won't have to did the sewing machine out after all.  
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Re: Awning Wanted

Mike Pearl
In reply to this post by GregSeaHawk
Hi Greg
I am very interested and would like to come out next week end, Fri eve or anytime Sat or Sun. I have no idea what its worth so will be guided by what you want for it.