Boat Cover

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Boat Cover
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Your blog is one of the things I use for reference....just the more ideas the better. Btw, have you, or anyone you know, had a fitted cover made for the Seahawk?

I've been speaking to a couple of caravan cover manufacturers who are interested in making one for me, but also interested to know if they would likely get orders from anyone else. Before I go commission one, I thought I'd ask.



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Re: Boat Cover

Hi Perry,

We're straying from the topic "Kismet" so I have moved your post to the Help Desk area.
Perry wrote
Btw, have you, or anyone you know, had a fitted cover made for the Seahawk?

I've been speaking to a couple of caravan cover manufacturers who are interested in making one for me, but also interested to know if they would likely get orders from anyone else. Before I go commission one, I thought I'd ask.
Not a cover, but a boom tent. Friends call it the "Eiffel Tower" or my "Loo Tent".

I'm not sure of the cost, but I know it was many hundreds. I'll need to look it up when I'm back from my canal trip. I didn't pay for it myself as it was all part of a barter deal with folk for whom I did some work on their web site.

Boom Tent

Boom Tent

Boom Tent

Boom Tent

It was something I felt I needed when the prospect of Diana spending the weekend with me aboard the boat emerged. Jeckells supplied it. Not Chris Jeckells, the sail maker, but his cousin Peter, also based in Wroxham, who do covers, upholstery, repairs/valeting and chandlery.

I have only used it on one trip. I'll tell more when I get back from Cheshire!
Greg Chapman
GregAfloat - My Boating Biography
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Re: Boat Cover
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Thanks for is a bit of a monster!

So, I don't know if I am allowed to post this, so if not, please remove it.

I've been talking to various canvas cover makers, as I would love to get a protective cover for piccolo, so that once I finally start proper work making her nice again, it doesn't get spoiled by the weather. She sits on my driveway, and really deserves a nice fitted cover rather than the two laced tarpaulins she has right now!

I am now starting to get quotes in, and once I've consolidated them all, I will post the costs for doing this.

Two things that seem to contribute to the costs are (a) simply the cost of getting to the boat and measuring it up, and (b) the cost of turning the initial measurements into a cad pattern that can be cut and sewn.

In the spirit of sharing (and trying to save myself money) the cover makers have said that if several people want the same cover, then the costs of measuring and computerising the cad details can be shared, significantly reducing the cost of a second or third cover.

So, I will keep updating this, and if anyone is interested, please let me know.

Oh, and Tom, one of the companies has a sister company in Florida, so if they turn out to have a good price, you can get one too! Locally :)

