Christchurch to Lymington

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Christchurch to Lymington

Yan Anderson
On Saturday I went for my first coastal sail with my Dad in Mustang.  We went from Christchurch Sailing Club to Lymington, stopped for a late lunch at the Ship Inn where we met up with the rest of the family before heading back.  On the way out the wind was light and on the way back the wind was absolutely none existent and we had to motor almost the whole way!

We went upwind from Christchurch to Hurst point with very light wind but managed to average 4 knots and then once we rounded Hurst point with the tide more favourable and the wind on beam we were able to do 6 knots.  The return journey was a serene and beatiful sunset sail with an underlying tone of fear that we might run out of petrol and that it was getting dark.  We finally got back at 10pm in the dark with no lights and a little bit of fuel left

I took some pictures and then was pleasantly surprised that someone was off hurst spit and caught a picture of us then shared in a group I'm in.

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Re: Christchurch to Lymington

brian johnson
Great post and a grand sail Yan!  Glad you are enjoying her as much as we did.  I think I still have some battery powered nav lights that fit into a couple of plastic clips that were attached to the cabin sides.  I might also have some spare clips if they are missing.
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Re: Christchurch to Lymington

In reply to this post by Yan Anderson
I'd really love to use a couple of those images in the "Image of the Day" on the home page of the site.

Is there any chance you can email me the unedited versions (for maximum resolution) and authorisation from the photographer of the first and third images in your collection for me to use them for that.

Greg Chapman
GregAfloat - My Boating Biography
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Re: Christchurch to Lymington

Thanks for the photos Yan!

The two images are now set to appear as the "Image of the Day" on the 22 and 27 of each month.

Hopefully, I've written accurate captions!
Greg Chapman
GregAfloat - My Boating Biography