Danny Johnson

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Danny Johnson Danny Johnson
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Danny Johnson

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 Hi all, My name is Danny Johnson,I own willow that I purchased as a salvage boat from the Broads Authority inAugust 2002. At the time no name was visable only jims sea hawk as the boat had been sunk and was covered in mud inside and outside. After some time we uncovered a wooden name plate on the stern--Wren--.Willow took much longer to restore than we planed and was back in the water June 2010. I have been sailing over 50 years on and of, moved to Norfolk from Kent 2001. Am a member of Beccles Amateur Sailing Club and have entered the Three Bridges race on 30 June 2012.If any body has any idea of my sail number or how to trace one please get in touch,also if we have a PY  number for raceing.

By for now, Danny.
GregSeaHawk GregSeaHawk
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Re: Danny Johnson

Welcome Danny,
Danny Johnson wrote
Willow took much longer to restore than we planed
Isn't that always the way!
If any body has any idea of my sail number or how to trace one please get in touch,also if we have a PY  number for raceing.
There are no hull numbers so no way to link any boat to a particular sail number.

Portsmouth Yardstick numbers are also a bit hit and miss. I first heard from an owner, in 2006, who reported that he was racing with a PY of 1170. A while later I wrote to the club he was racing at, Tewkesbury Cruising & Sailing Club, to ask for confirmation of this figure. The response I had in January 2010 said:
I have had a look through our cruiser handicap information
for the last few years and the Sea Hawk has been given PY numbers as
2002 - 1600
2003 - 1600
2004 - No recorded Information
2005 - 1770
2006 - 1750
2007 - 1750
2008 - 1569
2009 - No Handicap Given - we did not have any seahawks racing in 2009
according to my results but we do have at least one sailing at the club.
Had one come to the start line I would have used the 2007 handicap of
That suggests that the original report was a mis-typing for 1770.

Incidentally, when writing to the club I said I had recently discovered the site at:
Then it reported a SeaHawk at 1131. Checking the site this evening, it says the PY number should be 1185. Different again!

In short, it looks as if you pick any number you want!
Greg Chapman
GregAfloat - My Boating Biography