Eddie Dow

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Eddie Dow

Hi folks, novice alert!

So, using the excuse of near mid life crisis, I decided to buy myself a wee project boat to take out fishing on the Gareloch.

I thought I was buying a little cruiser that I could put an outboard on and pootle about with whenever I got time, but it turns out I have bought a seahawk 17!

Its in a bit of a sorry state atm, needing repairs to the centre keel, the seized engine removed and repaired or replaced, the bent prop shaft taken out and the housing repaired. And a lot of tlc including damage to the cabin floor looked at etc.

I am told the mast and standing rigging are in fairly good condition, and the running rigging will need replaced, there are no sails either!

I have been doing a little research to find out what it was and how it should look etc, and I am quite keen to do the work on it, but I have zero sailing experience and less boat repair skills so far, but I am a quick learner lol.

So theres a fairly good chance I will spend a lot of time on this forum!

Eddie (toothless) for obvious reasons lol
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Re: Eddie Dow

Good to have you aboard Eddie.

Unless you're completely cack-handed and never used a screw driver or sand paper then you're highly unlikely to do anything you can't put right if you make a mistake.

Use the "Site Search" facility a lot and if you can't get the answer you're looking for ask your question in the Help Desk area. It's probably that other people use other words for what you have in your head.

You're now upgraded to Member status and can post post in just about every area of the forum.
Greg Chapman
GregAfloat - My Boating Biography
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Re: Eddie Dow

Thanks Greg

I know my way around a toolbox, and have done some basic vehicle vodywork over the years, so not too put off with the work needing done, I am in the process of teaching myself welding as I have a bit of a rusty 4x4 I would like to use as my tow car for the seahawk.

I will probably spent a bit of time working through posts to see what I can learn before I start asking questions that have probably been answered several times.