Gods 1 - Tom 0

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Gods 1 - Tom 0

Tom Altee
Last night just after we had the Osprey all rigged for travel to the boat launch a tropical storm and down pour rolled through and a tree branch fell and snapped the mast just above the spreaders and the inserted metal tube.  The mast is toast.  No damage whatsoever to the boat herself. Any ideas out there in SeaHawk world on a replacement? Might a replacement be found in England and mailed post paid to me?  

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Re: Gods 1 - Tom 0

Is there no way to get a sleeve inserted and riveted to link the two halves back together? I've seen that done on larger masts?

So sorry that you've had such bad luck. Hope it gets sorted out.


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On 13 Mar 2015, at 20:55, Tom Altee [via SeaHawk Forum] <[hidden email]> wrote:

Last night just after we had the Osprey all rigged for travel to the boat launch a tropical storm and down pour rolled through and a tree branch fell and snapped the mast just above the spreaders and the inserted metal tube.  The mast is toast.  No damage whatsoever to the boat herself. Any ideas out there in SeaHawk world on a replacement? Might a replacement be found in England and mailed post paid to me?  

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Re: Gods 1 - Tom 0

In reply to this post by Tom Altee
Hi Tom,

Sorry to hear of your bad luck with the storm, really feel for you.
Give me a call tomorrow (Saturday) on +44 7920 861 208, I may be able to help.


Sent from my iPad

On 13 Mar 2015, at 20:55, Tom Altee [via SeaHawk Forum] <[hidden email]> wrote:

Last night just after we had the Osprey all rigged for travel to the boat launch a tropical storm and down pour rolled through and a tree branch fell and snapped the mast just above the spreaders and the inserted metal tube.  The mast is toast.  No damage whatsoever to the boat herself. Any ideas out there in SeaHawk world on a replacement? Might a replacement be found in England and mailed post paid to me?  

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Re: Gods 1 - Tom 0

In reply to this post by Tom Altee
Sorry to hear about your mast, not a nice way to start the sailing season.
I have a Pedro, and the mast is a bit shorter then the sea hawk and it is the same section profile from bottom to top.
I assume a local rigger could supply you with a mast section cut to the same length as your old must.
It may take a day or so to remove the old fittings and carefully refit them to the new section, but it may be easier and cheaper then trying to source a Sea Hawk mast from the UK. Plus the USA mast section may be tree proof!

Mike Viney
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Re: Gods 1 - Tom 0

Tom Altee
In reply to this post by dba11
Thank you ever so much.  I will be in touch.