Jacking my boat up to access the keel

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mjseahawk mjseahawk
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Jacking my boat up to access the keel

Hi All,

In the next few weeks i'll hopefully remove my boat from the trailer and leave it on blocks while i try and remove the keel. Its currently jammed. So the question is; where is it best to jack the boat up from so i can remove the keel and trailer from beneath the boat. I was thinking of jacking from either side of the keel on the flats, and support the boat from the side keels with axle stands.

Does anyone have any extra advice on where i could support the boat, obviously as i want it secure as possible because i'll be under the boat which has its risks.

Thanks in advance.
brian johnson brian johnson
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Re: Jacking my boat up to access the keel

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Hi Mark
I borrowed a couple of one tonne bags of sand from my local builder. Lifted the boat on to one at each end using a tractor front loader and strops.  Very safe as the sand takes the shape of the boat and it can't slip.  I had just enough room underneath to remove the keel.  
Blocks are OK but they can slip!   Far better to borrow/hire some boat stands to spread the load. 

Safety is paramount - being squashed by a Seahawk would be a pretty lame way to go........................
Tom Altee Tom Altee
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Re: Jacking my boat up to access the keel

In reply to this post by mjseahawk
Just went through the same thing with my Kismet. We had her on boat stands to spread the load. She was very stable and we were able to walk all over her and work.  We ended up cutting the main swing pin/bolt to extract the keel. Sandblasting and epoxy for the swing keel and a new stainless steel pin are being fitted on her. The the fiberglass housing will be re-fiberglassed.