Jan M S Baggerman

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Jan M S Baggerman

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Hello Seahawkers,

Being invited to introduce myself: my name is Jan Baggerman. In Dutch, my native language, Jan is a boy's name. This boy is 69 years of age. My sailing experience covers anything between a 14 ft Norwegian Askeladden dinghy (was my own) and a 18 metre Dutch tjalk, or "barge" as the English word may be, on which I only attended a course. Most of my watery acts were in rowing boats, small sailing open boats and my good old British P&H "Icefloe" seakayak.
Places paddled include Dutch and Danish coastal waters, Scottish Loch Creran and Loch Linnhe, harbour at Fowey, from beach at Beer and Whitby. Seakayak crossings from Texel to Vlieland in the Wadden Sea, crossing from Fidden on Mull to Iona. All modest messing about.

Attempted sailing a 14 ft dinghy at Loch Crerean in 2009, but 'summer'weather was too bad and boat was trailed back home and sold.
Something slightly larger and with a lid on, yet trailerable, after this experience seems attractive. That is why I am looking at information on the 17 ft Seahawk, which may be the more suitable craft for trailing and launching with just 2 people, bilges enabling shallow water access, falling dry at low tide without capsizing, that sort of boat.
Also, my outboard engine is a British Seagull 4 hp short shaft, which seems adequate for a 17ft boat.

So, my main purpose of registering is to be able to read what people with Seahawk experience have commented upon.

Best regards,
