Michael Dawson

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Michael Dawson

Michael Dawson
 Hi Forum,
New kid on the block.
My Name is Michael and my boat is Lazy Daisy.
She is a original 4 berth variant. She has been kept and sailed at Rutland Water for some time. She is home at the moment and I am doing some work.
I'm going to put a tabernacle on her and install some electrical work, lights etc with some form of charging system.
As for myself, I am a retired electrical contractor.
My sailing experience is limited to sailing at Rutland and about nine trips on the Sail training scooners Sir Winston Chuchill and Malcolm Miller when they were operating.
I am not qualified to take Daisy to sea.
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Re: Michael Dawson

Hi Michael,

Great to have you aboard.

I bought my own SeaHawk at Rutland Water back in 2004. The seller was keen to get rid of it as his mooring fee was due to be renewed, so he towed it all the way to Norfolk for me! I wasn't expecting to buy then and there. I didn't even have a tow bar on my car. It's been a while since I was there.

If you use the "Search Site" facility you'll find a number of references to Rutland Water. I think that most of the SeaHawks I knew that were based there have been sold and often moved away. It would be good to know how many there are now.

Are you planning to take Lazy Daisy away from Rutland? There seems little point in fitting a tabernacle it not and, if you are, where will hope to take her?
Greg Chapman
GregAfloat - My Boating Biography
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Re: Michael Dawson

Mine (piccolo ) also came from Rutland water. After a few moves around she is now on grafham water.

Welcome Michael!

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Re: Michael Dawson

Michael Dawson
Thank you.
I remember seeing a Seahawk at
Rutland. Didn't know her name but I remember she had a red lower hull.
Was this Picola ?
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Re: Michael Dawson

Michael Dawson
In reply to this post by GregSeaHawk
Thank you Greg
I have been following your site for a few years and find it most enjoyable and a pleasure to view from time to time.
If I fit the tabernacle I would like to take Daisy to the broads.
I have hired boats before and thought I would like to go with Lazy Daisy.
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Re: Michael Dawson

In reply to this post by Michael Dawson
Indeed yes. Piccolo has a red hull and white topsides. I bought her from a guy who windsurfs on rutland and was not using her. I hope to get her all tidied up one day, but it all takes time!!!