Robin Boyes

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Robin Boyes Robin Boyes
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Robin Boyes

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Just bought a wreck of a Seahawk on Ebay in Falmouth from a boat Breaker.Sailed British Moths in my youth,recently tried them again but My joints protested,so was on the lookout for a micro cruiser.Will glean as much as I can from your excellenty website.I am retired,based in N.Devon,have got a trailer with it,look out The Lake District and Scottish Lochs
Fair Winds to All,Robin
lucytheparrot lucytheparrot
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Re: Robin Boyes

Hi Robin Raymond here Ive also just bought seahawk [sisters] which is in reasonable good condition and in the last three weeks refitting out for coming season buying a trailer sailor will open up sailing areas I could not get to with sea going 28ft twister and Im getting on in years to and opensea is a very dangerous place for lone sailor Ive always liked the lake district and now Ive got the chance to spend time sailing the lakes also other inland waterways the seahawk will open up new pleasures of sailing for me I hope the coming season meets your dreams also.        cheers