I'm plan to add a new page to the main site to be in the Gallery Section which will link to or display SeaHawk videos. Below is the first one I remember seeing. Those who were members of the old SeaHawk Yahoo!Group may remember Simon Foye posting this message back in October 2008:
Hi all,
My mate Jimmy and I took topcat out on derwent water the other day, in
force 6-7 and got 7.5knts. Follow this link to watch a video of this,
and what happened when a gale blew up-
Hope you enjoy it,
Keep Sailing
The original included a link. Now I can embed the video.
It's not the smoothest piece of camera work, the voices are barely audible and it is a struggle to watch at times, but in the circumstances that's probably understandable.
Watch out for the moment when the tiller snaps and later when Jimmy, standing on the gunwales and hanging onto the shrouds, appears to lose his footing in a near knock-down.
If you can point me at more videos that could be used on the site, do let me know where to find them.