sailing a pedro

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sailing a pedro

I was wondering how well the pedro actually sails due to the fact of its reduced sail areas. Iwould like to know how people have found sailing them. How much wind they need to move? how well do they sail to windward?
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Re: sailing a pedro

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Hi Jack,
Jack wrote
I was wondering how well the pedro actually sails due to the fact of its reduced sail areas. Iwould like to know how people have found sailing them. How much wind they need to move? how well do they sail to windward?
I've got no precise information on that. The best I can offer are the comments from Ted Crawford on the Pedro page.

If Ted's comments sound negative then I would say it's a boat that suits its intended market. Clearly it is no racer, but I suspect that in open waters, rather than the tree-lined rivers that I sail on, it will perform well enough to satisfy those who want a stable boat that doesn't scare those who really would prefer to be ashore.

Once or twice in my early days I sailed my SeaHawk with the plate up. It took me quite a while to realise that I wasn't making quite as much to windward as I should. I suspect that the smaller sail area of the Pedro will mean that the underwater profile of the hull will cope well and she may well make to windward acceptably.
Greg Chapman
GregAfloat - My Boating Biography