Simple Bow Rigged Double Jib with Makeshift Whisker Boom

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Simple Bow Rigged Double Jib with Makeshift Whisker Boom

Tom Altee
Todays sail: December 11, 2015 - Captain Jack Feeney sets up a simple bow rigged double jib makeshift whisker boom with the boat hook. The 110% Genoa was too big to use on the tack so he stood there as part of the boom holding out the whisker by way of example.

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Re: Simple Bow Rigged Double Jib with Makeshift Whisker Boom

brian johnson
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Nice video guys!  I've done similar things using two standard jibs.   Have you tried a spinnaker?  I borrowed a small one from an Enterprise and it worked perfectly.  Much easier to tack but then I didn't have Cap'n Jack aboard!

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Re: Simple Bow Rigged Double Jib with Makeshift Whisker Boom

Tom Altee
Well Brian I'd love to have a little spinnaker for my SeaHawk.  But first I need a new Genoa. The 110 Jeckell is a little long in tooth at 45 years old bless it's heart. So I'm thinking maybe a new 120 or 130% Genoa and then a spinnaker.  I'm of the opinion that a 150% would be wayyy to much sail - what are your thoughts (Greg's or anyone else's with experience/knowledge) about carrying that much sail forward?

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Re: Simple Bow Rigged Double Jib with Makeshift Whisker Boom

brian johnson
I wouldn't go any bigger than 120% unless you have (like me) roller furling, then you can play with it.
Try borrowing a spinnaker - you might get addicted!  I reckon I had over 6 knots downwind when I had one bent on, but that could have been wishful thinking and a favourable tide!  
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Re: Simple Bow Rigged Double Jib with Makeshift Whisker Boom

Tom Altee
In reply to this post by Tom Altee
Spinnaker it is then... Roller furling on your Mustang? Aside: My last girlfriend's brother would get free mustangs from the Federal Govt and cross breed them with zebras. I have photographs. Strange animal resulting - thankfully sterile. I have no idea what the purpose was for - the animal was an asshole. Anyway, if you have enough room for them and promise not to turn them into dog food or Italian breakfast meat the Feds will give you all the mustangs you want for free. You provide transportation.