Tony Campbell

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Tony Campbell Tony Campbell
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Tony Campbell

I have, this week, purchased Charlotte III, #390 and will collect her next week.

My present craft is a Skipper 14, adapted with a lateen sails to allow me to pass the half dozen bridges that cross the river Tees where we sail most weeks.
I am looking forward to using this boat on the river and in the lake district with the DCA, having tried it out on the water and found it to be very responsive and a very stable platform, a little different from a light dinghy.
My pleasue is not only sailing but messing about with the rig, and already planning a junk rig for Charlotte before she in my possesion!
River sailing is great fun and can be challenging. Take a look at some of the pics and video

I will keep the forum posted with any mods and adaptions I make and hope to add to the valuable information and help provide on the seahawk web site, thanks to Greg.