Wire length main sail

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Wire length main sail

Ole Heegaard
For the first time put my mast on the boat. I lack the wire that goes from the top of the mast and behind the boom to the main sail
Does anyone have the length of it and perhaps pictures of how it should look like so I can have made a new. I want to just try to sail the boat before winter sets in in Denmark :-)
Thank you
Best regards

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Re: Wire length main sail

Hi Ole,

I suspect we may have a problem with translation. Perhaps, some of your fellow countryman can clarify.

I think you may mean topping lift, but that is a rope not wire.

If you do mean wire, then we are talking about the forestay (connects the mast to the front of the boat) or the shrouds (connects the mast to the side of the cabin).
Greg Chapman
GregAfloat - My Boating Biography
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Re: Wire length main sail

Ole Heegaard
Thanks for the quick reply.
Yes I mean top lift :-) from top of mast and to back of boat (back end of boom)
If it is a rope, it must then be adjusted, or is it a fixed line?. (a complete beginner with sails)
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Re: Wire length main sail

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It's adjustable, and you just run it to a cleat at the bottom of the mast. I used a small block connected to the top of the mast with a small metal strap for topping lift.



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Re: Wire length main sail

Marsh Marigold
This post was updated on .
It's used to raise the end of the boom so that, when you are not sailing, you can stand up without the boom hitting you on the head.  Remember to loosen it before you start sailing.

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Re: Wire length main sail

In reply to this post by Ole Heegaard
Hi Ole,

The pictures in link in my first reply show the topping lift (edged in blue) on my boat. However, most owners do fit a small "block" (a pulley wheel) at the top of the mast, as Brian there and Perry here describe.
Greg Chapman
GregAfloat - My Boating Biography
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Re: Wire length main sail

Ole Heegaard
Many thanks for your good answers.
I've now got a nice red rope as a topping lift :-)

I made it without the block as it would make noise when it beat against the mast. Led rope through the eye as shown in the picture from Greg. Thank you

So I only need to make a Kicking strap. Someone who has a good idea for it? possibly. image of the original?

And just one more question :-). What to use the outer bolt to the top of the mast?
Best regards
Ole Heegaard

Den 4. okt. 2015 kl. 18.08.47 +02.00, skrev GregSeaHawk [via SeaHawk Forum] <[hidden email]>:

Hi Ole,

The pictures in link in my first reply show the topping lift (edged in blue) on my boat. However, most owners do fit a small "block" (a pulley wheel) at the top of the mast, as Brian there and Perry here describe.
Greg Chapman
GregAfloat - My Boating Biography

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Re: Wire length main sail

Hi Ole,
Ole Heegaard wrote
I only need to make a Kicking strap. Someone who has a good idea for it? possibly. image of the original?
I have no photos taken for the purpose, but by zooming in on corners of two photos you should get the idea:

Kicking Strap

Kicking Strap
Even if you don't have a tabernacle like mine, with an loop to attach the bottom of the kicking strap to, most masts do have a place to attach a shackle.

Note that the lower block on the kicking strap includes a V notch that grips the rope as it turns round one pulley wheel, so you can tighten and release it easily.
What to use the outer bolt to the top of the mast?
I believe some use it to hold a wind direction indicator.
Greg Chapman
GregAfloat - My Boating Biography