has any one installed a bimini?

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Brian Brian
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has any one installed a bimini?

I was thinking of getting out of the sun and getting a bimini. Any ideas or recommendations?

GregSeaHawk GregSeaHawk
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Re: has any one installed a bimini?

Hi Brian,

I was only thinking about you the other day! I was wondering if you'd finished the rebuild of your cabin roof or abandoned the project and sold your SeaHawk. (I was thinking about creating a page for the main site reporting what's involved. I'd love a full report from you that I could quote from. I'd use your photographs too - still available on the old Yahoo!Groups site)

As to the Bimini project... no ideas or recommendations from me. It's just not warm enough in the UK to worry too much about an excess of sun!
Greg Chapman
GregAfloat - My Boating Biography