Goose Neck worn

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Goose Neck worn

Has anyone any ideas on how to get a new goose neck housing ?? or one made up ? managed to get the old one out from the boom, its very worn. or am i on a looser, thats the problem when you take these projects on you always have a bit of a challenge , always finding something to put right.
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Re: Goose Neck worn
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The original gooseneck is not designed to come out the boom completely, but rather come off the square section and then be possible to rotate to reef.

Tat said, couple of ideas. Firstly, I would imagine that a standard dinghy fitting would be usable, but you may need to buy both ends (boom and gooseneck), in which case,  would find out if ronstan or selden could supply it.

The alternative I've seen done sometimes is, if the gooseneck itself is fine but the socket is rounded, then cut a piece of 316 steel the right shape, drill and file a square hole, the rivet it to the old front plate of the mast.

Good luck, and take pictures so we can see what's wrong.


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Re: Goose Neck worn

In reply to this post by K.Shuttleworth
Hi Perry
Thanks for the info will look at the options and let you know how I get on.
Thanks Keith