Guido van Koeveringe

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Guido van Koeveringe

Hi everyone,

I'm a great fan of this website. I've got a Seahawk myself. We are very much enjoying this boat. That's why I will introduce myself.

Three years ago we've purchased our Seahawk. The 'Novice' #352, I beleave, is bought somewhere in east of The Netherlands. It was included with a trailer. We live in the south west of the Netherlands. So my first trip with the boat was a road trip over 150km. I'll never do that again! The seller didn't mention that driving this trailer was so bad.

We're enjoying the Seahawk on the 'Veerse Meer' lake. This place is perfect for the Seahawk.

Since then we have a parking place next to the slipway. For my opinion that is the best way of keeping your boat. You've no problems with anti fouling or leakage. Still you can keep the mast upright and the boom attached.

I've made some adjustments to the keel, the bumper and the trailer. I'll post my adjustments somewhere on the forum.

My Seahawk 17