Harry Little

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Harry Little

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I have been thinking of taking up sailing for a while. i went out on Barton Broad a few weeks  ago with friends on their Halcyon sailing boat and I was blown away by the peace and quiet and the exhilaration when we finally got it right and we were away across the broad like a rocket!!! I decided there and then that I wanted to give it a try and on returning to Wayford I came across a seahawk 17 for sale in the boatyard there. It was having a few jobs done before sale and is now ready. Am going for a sale in her next week with the current owner and if all goes well I think I will be buying her. The current name is tadpole and I think she is a 4 berth, all white in colour. i will keep her at home over the winter to do a few little jobs and launch off her trailer in the spring. Am thinking of running her on my electric outboard until I feel the need to go further than Ludham Bridge and then will have to think about a small petrol outboard.
I have sailed dinghies many years ago but I think I have a steep learning curve ahead as it seemed I had forgotten most of what I knew, if anything!!!
Sadly I will eventually have to sell my little microplus 501, but am really looking forward to no noisy outboard etc!!
The outboard I have is a 6hp four stroke Mercury but I feel this will be too heavy for a little seahawk.
Anyway enough of my ramblings, Hope to meet some of you Seahawk sailors next season and I will be following the forum for help and advice, Thanks, Harry