Mark Duckworth

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Mark Duckworth

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Dear Fellow Members,
My name is Mark Duckworth, I have been sailing primarily dinghies for nearly thirty years plus have some (limited) yachting experience. Having purchased a Pedro last summer, I hope to take it to Newlyn / Mousehole this season. Whilst the boat in 'fair' condition, it has no foresail and I would be interested to hear where I could acquire one second hand if they are transferable with one from a SeaHawk?
I am pleased to have found this website as I clearly have a lot to learn and hope therefore to build up my knowledge on these boat types from the various contributions already posted.
Although I have a raft of other questions I would like to ask, but will limit them, this being my introductory posting:
i. In view of the shallow keel structure - I am concerned that offshore / coastal sailing may present an issue from drift especially where tidal currents are strong?
ii. I have a Seagull outboard (in reasonable condition) however I wonder if something bigger with more Hp will be needed?
Any comments greatly received.
Sincere regards,
Mark Duckworth (Moonraker)
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Re: New member
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Welcome to Pedro/Seahawk ownership. We are regular visitors to mousehole, so we will keep an eye out for a Pedro when we are there in September.

As for a foresail, do you want new or second hand?

New ones you can get from jeckells, although there are a couple of more local lofts to you that can workout the size and cut one.

Second hand might be harder, as there aren't many pedros and I understand the mast is shorter, so a Seahawk jib won't fit.

I'll have a look at the ones I have, but am not sure any are either suitable for a Pedro, or in a state that I would still call a sail rather than a bag!

Anyway, welcome, and good luck!


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Re: Mark Duckworth

In reply to this post by Moonraker
Hi Mark,
Moonraker wrote
Whilst the boat in 'fair' condition, it has no foresail and I would be interested to hear where I could acquire one second hand if they are transferable with one from a SeaHawk?
Pedro Sail LogoMy gut reaction was to back most of what Perry says. However, having just looked again at the images on the Pedro page I reckon that the Pedro mast is rises to about the level of the spreaders on the SeaHawk and as the Pedro has a masthead rig, that could mean that a SeaHawk foresail could be a very good match.

I doubt that Jeckells would not have Pedro sail dimensions on file. They were not local boats. It's more likely a West Country supplier was used when built. The best image I have for what I believe was the original makers is on the right. Hopefully, someone will recognise the maker's mark.
i. In view of the shallow keel structure - I am concerned that offshore / coastal sailing may present an issue from drift especially where tidal currents are strong?
That may be true. When sailing my SeaHawk with the plate up I certainly notice some crabbing. However, in spite of my comments in reaction to Ted Crawford's comments about his Pedro (on the Pedro page) I do wonder if this effect is offset a little by the smaller rig of the Pedro.
ii. I have a Seagull outboard (in reasonable condition) however I wonder if something bigger with more Hp will be needed?
I don't know how a Seagull is rated but, as you'll have seen from photos on the Pedro page, there are other owners who do use a Seagull. You'll also be aware that the recommendation for a SeaHawk is a long shaft 4hp engine. There's every reason to think the same recommendation would apply to a Pedro as it has the same hull - although it is a little lighter, having a little less ballast.

Having said that, a good number of Broads sailors are more than happy with a 2hp motor and my 56lb thrust electric outboard will push her along at near hull speed in flat water - although in more extreme conditions it struggles (See the Tony Bennett review). I must confess that I wouldn't trust my electric outboard to cope in a strong current in a coastal environment.
Greg Chapman
GregAfloat - My Boating Biography
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Re: Mark Duckworth

brian johnson
In reply to this post by Moonraker
Hi Mark
I think I have a spare slightly ratty Seahawk foresail which, if I can find it, you can have free.  I'll have a delve tonight.  We too visit Mousehole so will keep an eye out for you.  There's a Pedro on the hard at Galmpton Creek (Dartside Marine) that I saw with the sails up. The foresail looked the same as my Seahawk's.
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Re: Mark Duckworth

brian johnson
Good news! I found the sail.  It was from my old boat Kali 1971 vintage.  It's old ratty, but still usable - no splits or tears.  Yours for the price of postage - about a fiver I would think.  Let me have your email and postal address I'll let you know when I've posted it.
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Re: Mark Duckworth

Hi Mark,

Should you not want to share your address in a public forum be aware that you can send a private email to anyone posting on the forum by clicking on their username (or avatar).

You get taken to a screen where there is a link the opens a form where you can send a private message via email.
Greg Chapman
GregAfloat - My Boating Biography