SOLD - Hakuna Matata : Poole

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SOLD - Hakuna Matata : Poole

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Hakuna Matata is for sale.  This is one of the rarer SeaHawks that was built with an inboard engine - petrol 1.5hp Stuart Turner RCM3, it turns over but was never used as we used outboard, possibly just needs a service. Hakuna Matata has been sailing in Poole harbour the past few years, but needs some TLC.  There is a trailer which can be included. 2 sets of sails, cooker, sea toilet, sink, basic instruments.  She is currently at Poole.  I will upload pics when I can figure out how to do it (there are some pics on gumtree).  Pease feel free to ask any questions. £650 open to offers.
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Hakuna Matata for sale

Hi,  Hakuna Matata is for sale, this is one of the rare SeaHawks with the inboard engine, which does not currently start, but it turns over.  Lovely boat in need of TLC.  There is a page about her on this site - There are two sets of sails and she was sailing nicely last year, but we were unable to look after her properly over winter and so she has got run down.  Has anchor, all rigging etc. Hakuna is currently lying Poole.  If you are interested and able to come and pick her up then please make an offer.  Call Sarah 07928 226843.
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Re: Hakuna Matata : Poole

In reply to this post by sarah
sarah wrote
I will upload pics when I can figure out how to do it (there are some pics on gumtree).
These are the pictures from Gumtree...

Hakuna Matata

Hakuna Matata

Hakuna Matata
Greg Chapman
GregAfloat - My Boating Biography