What mains from other classes fit?

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What mains from other classes fit?

Hi folks,
Does anyone know of mainsails from other classes will fit the seahawk?
Thanks in advance
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Any mainsails for sale?

Hi folks,does anyone have a mainsail for sale?
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Re: What mains from other classes fit?

In reply to this post by Moontrev
I'm not absolutely certain, but I've always supposed that an Enterprise dinghy must be pretty close and there must be plenty of those around from people who feel their sails are no longer up to racing standard.

There must be some folk with experience of that class who can offer a view or some measurements to compare.
Greg Chapman
GregAfloat - My Boating Biography
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Re: What mains from other classes fit?

Thanks for that Greg, someone told me that the lark class was close, so I bought one, and it,was well oversized.
I'll look on the enterprise site and see if they list dimensions.
One again thanks!
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Re: What mains from other classes fit?

I believe the osprey mainsail is an identical cut



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On 15 Aug 2016, at 17:19, Moontrev [via SeaHawk Forum] <[hidden email]> wrote:

Thanks for that Greg, someone told me that the lark class was close, so I bought one, and it,was well oversized.
I'll look on the enterprise site and see if they list dimensions.
One again thanks!

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